海芬心语 发表于 2018-8-31 15:48:20


《法国侨报》讯:吉林大学人才招聘会法国站Jilin University Recruitment Fair in Francehttp://res.lepontfr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/WeChat_1535726707-300x165.jpeg
Address: 巴黎万豪左岸酒店及会议中心
Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel & Conference Center(17 Boulevard Saint-Jacques,75014 Paris)
相关介绍招聘对象 Who we're looking for1.海外知名高校或知名研究机构终身教授、副教授;2.海外知名高校和研究机构的博士、博士后、讲师、高级讲师、助理教授;
1.Full professors, associate professors or senior researchers from leading universities and institutes;
2.Young talent, doctors, post-doctoral researchers, lecturers, assistant professors from leading universities and institutes;
3.Candidates for the Innovative Talent Program of the 1000 Talents Plan or the 1000 Talents Plan for Young Researchers;
4. Candidates for the Introduction Program of First-class Overseas Post-doctors。
福利待遇及支持条件 What we offer1.提供有竞争力的薪酬待遇和生活补贴;2.提供充足的科研启动经费;
1.Very competitive salary and allowance;
2.Start-up research funds;
3.Intelligent graduate students to mentor;
4.Budget housing;
5.Access to a comprehensive health care and resources of the hospitals affiliated to Jilin University;
6.Access to high quality basic educational resources for children, including kindergartens, primary schools and junior high schools affiliated to Jilin University.
More details will be provided on the fairs!
联系我们 Contacts请有意参加招聘会的人员将“姓名+工作(学习)单位+职务(学历)+研究领域及方向+邮箱”和个人简历,以邮件的方式发送到recruit@jlu.edu.cn邮箱和jluf2017@gmail.com邮箱。应聘工作请联系徐老师、高老师、韩老师
Please visit http://www.jlu.edu.cn to know more about Jilin University.
学校简介 About JLU吉林大学是教育部直属的全国重点综合性大学,坐落在吉林省长春市。学校始建于1946年,1995年首批通过国家教委“211工程”审批,2001年被列入“985工程”国家重点建设的大学,2017年入选A类一流大学建设高校。学校以“学术立校、人才强校、创新兴校、开放活校、文化荣校”为发展战略,奋斗目标是:到2020年建成国内一流、国际知名的高水平研究型大学。成为在国家和区域经济社会发展中具有重要地位的高素质创新人才培养、高水平科学研究和成果转化、高质量社会服务、先进文化引领的重要基地;成为让学生全面发展、让教职工引以自豪、让社会高度赞誉、让世界广泛认同的大学。到建校100周年时,把吉林大学基本建成世界一流大学。Jilin University, located in Changchun City, Jilin Province, was founded in 1946. It is a key comprehensive university under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, and strongly supported by China’s “Project 211” , “Project 985” and "Double First-class".Taking its development strategies as “Pillaring our university with academic achievements, empowering it with talent, prospering it with innovation, enlivening it with an open atmosphere, priding it with its unique culture”, Jilin University aims to become, by 2020, a high-level research university which is first-class in China and renowned internationally, an important base for training highly qualified innovative talent, transforming high-level scientific research and achievements as well as introducing high-quality social service and advanced culture, a university that enables students to develop in an all-round way, makes its faculty and staff proud and is universally acknowledged both home and abroad. We’re determined to build Jilin University into a world-class university by its centennial.
Come and join us!

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