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AnaldValt 发表于 2016-2-27 01:43:57

The Clan of OneBreasted Women by Terry Tempest Williams In our current society it is established that faith is equated with a type of blind acceptance of all that the church or institution stands for. Having faith is still viewed as a wholesome characteristic, though it is more and more becoming correlated with negative connotation that is commonly attached to a thoughtless, dogmatic approach В– an absolute obedience of all tenets regardless of conscious thoughts and appeals. In a similar regard, patriotism has become an exemplar of modern faith because it calls for unchallenged compliance with both the laws of the government and their unjustified actions, especially during times of war.
Man's inhumanity to man is everywhere. I firmly believe that people on this earth should be treated and respected equally. People are all unique. They come from different backgrounds, have different beliefs and ideas, but treating others in such an inhuman way, as the Jewish were in the concentration camps is cruel and should have never happened. I believe that the killing of several million people during the Holocaust could have been prevented by the means of more involvement from the other countries.
Upton Sinclair's Purpose in Writing The Jungle    Upton Sinclair wrote this book for a couple of reasons. Firstand foremost, he tries to awaken the reader to the terribleliving conditions of immigrants in the cities around the turn ofthe century. Chicago has the most potent examples of theseconditions. Secondly, he attempts to show the advantages ofsocialism in helping to remedy the problems of a society such asthe one that exists in Chicago at this time. Sinclair accomplishes his objectives with an extremelypowerful story.

Smoking and the Effects of It   Smoking is known as one of the worst habits to break. Most people who start never quit just because it is just too hard to quit or they are just so addicted to the chemicals that the tobacco companies use in their cigarettes and don't see the real problems that smoking can cause. If smoking did the same thing as it did on the outside as it does on the inside, how many people do you think will smoke then.         Everyday, about 3,000 teenagers smoke their first cigarette.
Wedding Speech Delivered by the Brother of the Bride   For those of you who don't know me I'm Anna's brother Kevin and I'm here today to say a few words on behalf of our father. Unfortunately Ron is unable to be here today due to ill health. Nevertheless it goes without saying that he passes on all his love and best wishes to Anna and Melvin on their special day. When Anna asked me to give her away I was deeply honored. But all I could think was God I'll have to make a speech. To be honest standing here I feel a bit like a sheik walking into his harem for the first time.
Title   Emotional Release: Benefits of Art Therapy        A 6yearold girl sits next to her therapist, with signs of anxiety upon her face. Pieces of paper, pencil and some markers are placed in front of the girl. She is hesitant to speak out, but these colors do help release some of the tension in the air. She begins to draw and paint, in a matter of fifteen minutes she finishes with a sequence of fourteen pictures:                   вЂњA little girl pig is attacked by a man who wax her with a big stick and hits her in the face with a stone, although she has done nothing wrong to him.

1. Introduction   вЂњWe have always known that heedless selfinterest was bad morals; We know now that it is also bad economics” (Franklin Delano Roosevelt as cited in Godwin, 2008; Good Money & Quotes, 2010) Business Industry has witnessed the outcomes of bad moral decisions taken by business leaders. Enron’s story is only one example of corporate scandals and cases of bad moral decisions, which has not only shaken the public trust in corporations, but also affected the bank accounts of investors and employees.
Plots, Characters, and Relationships in Anna Karenina      "Reason has been given to man to enable him to escape from his troubles."1 These words, spoken by an unknown woman on a train minutes before Anna took her own life, proved cold comfort for Vronsky's mistress. Unable to reason her way out of her despair, she flung her body under a train in an act of vengeance and escape. She failed in her personal quest, one for fulfillment that she shares with the other main protagonist in the novel, Levin, who makes corresponding attempts to reason through his own dilemmas.
Contrasting Images in Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness         Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness portrays an image of Africa that is dark and inhuman.Not only does he describe the actual, physical continent of Africa as “so hopeless and so dark, so impenetrable to human thought, so pitiless to human weakness” (Conrad 94), as though the continent could neither breed nor support any true human life, but he also manages to depict Africans as though they are not worthy of the respect commonly due to the white man.At one point the main character, Marlow, describes one of the paths he follows: “Can’t say I saw any road or any upkeep, unless the body of a middleaged negro, with a bullethole in the forehead, upon which I absolutely stumbled three miles farther on, may be considered as a permanent improvement” (48).Conrad’s description of Africa and Africans served to misinform the Western world, and went uncontested for many years.

Sidney Poitier wasn’t the first great AfricanAmerican actor, nor was he the first black actor to be nominated for an Academy Award. What he did do was break the color barrier and gain widespread acceptance by audiences of all races because of his acting abilities and on screen presence. Sidney Poitier was born in Miami in 1927 to Bahamian parents but was raised on Cat Island in the Bahamas. As a newborn, he weighed only three pounds. His father had a shoebox waiting to bury him in. he, of course, survived.
The Use of Dramatic Irony in Sophocle's Oedipus the King   Tragedy as an element of the human experience has been the subject of many of the great works of literature written in the Western tradition. For some, tragedy embodies the highest form of humanity. It is through suffering that we are able to reveal ourselves most completely. Others see tragedy as an element of morality where we are to learn well the lessons of those who tempt the gods. The Ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, outlined a theory of tragedy as archetypal drama in his classic work, the Poetics.
The Theme of Dishonestly in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman   'Death of a Salesman' was written by Arthur Miller in 1949. It is set    in the American states of Boston and New York during the 1930's great    depression. The American great depression was the greatest economic    collapse in the modern world. Businesses and banks closed their doors,    people lost their jobs, homes, and savings, and many depended on    charity to survive. Through this the 'American Dream' was created   the idea of a 'perfect' life, where every man owns a business and has    the prefect family with the perfect house.
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